“What I love most about coaching with Nakia is having a safe space to discuss the current challenges in my life. Nakia’s coaching provides accountability, positive reinforcement and guided course correction through my personal journey.  Nakia taught me that showing up for myself, even in the smallest ways, are the building blocks to reaching bigger goals. Thank you Coach Nakia!   - L.W.

“Before coaching with Nakia, I struggled with unhealthy eating habits especially around sugar, and not feeling motivated to exercise. Then Nakia helped me set goals for my health, we would brainstorm together how to achieve my goals and every week we would check in to see how I was doing. I was finally able to recognise how I was getting in the way of my own success and we would explore alternative options that were available to me instead. I think the biggest thing was that Nakia would hold me to my goals and offered me the accountability that I needed to keep going. When I look back at where I was and who I was being back when I started 3 months ago compared to where I am now, I feel so proud of myself and grateful to Nakia and her program. What I loved most about coaching with Nakia is seeing  great results in my health and fitness and celebrating the wins with her." - N.vL.